Aside from being Earth Day, it's also National Jelly Bean Day!
My favorite source Wikipedia taught me something I felt was worth passing on to you all -
Did you know that in the 1920s, the term "jellybean" was used to describe a young man who dressed stylish and tried to pick up women; also a synonym for pimp. The term was memorialized in the 1940s Phil Harris song "Jelly Bean (He's a Curbstone Cutie)"
It wasn't until the 1930s that they became associated with that ass-hat the Easter Bunny because of their egg-shape. Crazy, right? I say we bring the slang term back because Jellybean is way more fun to say than 'pimp'. Thoughts?
Did you know? I like all flavors of jellybeans except black licorice and white.
Earth is great and all, but I prefer to celebrate the great things on this Earth invented by man - electricity, the wheel, fire, and jellybeans.
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